Giving Life To Many
Giving Life To Many

Called to Prayer

Jesus is same yesterday today and forever.

Our headquarters

Calcutta ,West Bengal India.

Giving Life To Many!
Great Commission Will Be A Great Completion One Day.

God’s plan to save dying souls is through us. God will not do that without us. The bible says that God reconciled us unto Him and gave us a ministry of reconciliation..( 2Cor 5:18) Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel to all the nations and to make disciples. We are the light and the salt . He said “Go into all the world and preach the good news to every creature( Mark 16:15)

Be a Goer or Sender

God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but to have everlasting life.(John 3.16) Be a part of Good News sharing with those who have never heard. How can they believe on him they never heard about. How can they hear without a preacher? How can they preach unless they are sent.Faith comes from hearing and hearing by God's word Rom 10:11


Together we can give new hope,peace and joy to the dying,hurting,and hopeless souls where it is most needed.

Become a Volunteer

You can be a Volunteer on short term or long term to teach children, do medical camp for poor people , for doing landscaping , giving awareness to the people about health issues ,like diabetes, heart diseases and pandemics etc.. Contact us

About Us

We Are on A Mission To know God and make Him known
Help The Helpless and save the dying souls !

Life to the World is a full time mission organization to reach the un-reached of India and of south Asia with Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has its head quarters in Calcutta where so many people are destitutes, orphans and the poorest of the poor. We provide many needed services and opportunities for those in need.
We follow the example of healing set by Mother Teresa but also focus on the whole life and training of children and families to live a life in Christ.

Our Causes

Opportunities for partnership. Support a missionary!


Hundreds of native missionaries are praying for support as they have no outside resources and live by faith and work in pioneer areas. You will get a photo, name, and testimony of the missionary you are supporting. Jesus said in Mathew 9:36 that field is ripe but laborers are few. If the field is not reaped on time it will go bad. Lord Jesus was the greatest soul winner when He was on earth. Now He asks us to do the same.

Disaster Relief

Helping those who lost houses, properties due to natural calamities.

Training native church planters for the LORD's work

Field is ripe but the laborers are few. (Mt 9.36) LTTW train and support native church planters with God’s help and your generosity

Pray with us

God will not do without us to fulfill His plan on this earth. .This is our greatest privilege to work with God while we are alive. Soon it will be gone and we will miss the opportunity!

Opportunities for partnership. Support a child ! Support Gospel meetings!

Life To The World Mission takes care of poor,Dalit, orphans, street and slum children. Ask us how you can sponsor a child and aid their education, food with $25 a month. Transforming communities by Christ’s love!



Life to the world mission conducts gospel meetings among the unreached people.Jesus commanded us to go and preach the gospel to all the nations to save people from eternal hell and to give a new life , hope and joy now in Christ. Thousands are dying in their sin without hearing the good news in their life at least one time. While the church is waiting to for the second coming of Jesus, 60% did not hear the gospel even . LTTW is committed to take the good news to the un-reached at any cost. Paul said I did not count my life worth living if I did not take the gospel of grace to all people. Now I am innocent of the blood of all people because I did not hesitate to preach the gospel to all. (Acts 24:26). Ask  God how can I be a part of taking the gospel to all.  Can you be a prayer  partner or   supporter for this noble cause  of saving thousands ?Together we can reach the world for Jesus.


Please regularly PRAY for this ministry and  ask God to help fulfill the purpose and plan God has for this ministry to accomplish by protecting, providing, empowering and using to bless thousands with love and  salvation of God in Jesus

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